Lord's Day Masses -
4:00 PM
7:30 AM & 10:00 AM
Weekday Masses (check the bulletin):
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays 3:30-3:50 PM and by appointment
First Fridays, from 7:00 to 7:30 AM
Mass Intention Offerings: To have an intention scheduled, please drop a note in the mail or a collection basket with an offering ($10 suggested) to the pastor. Please include your name on the intention request and note if the intention is for a deceased person. Above is the Mass schedule (which may change; please see the bulletin).
Sacrament Prep Policies:
- Requestor must be a registered member. Registered members receive regular bimonthly giving envelops.
- Baptisms: To schedule a baptism contact the pastor. If for a 1st born child, a baptism prep class must be taken.
- Marriage: Arrangements should be made with the pastor at least 8 months in advance, and before setting a wedding date. Weddings are not celebrated during Lent.
- Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please call the pastor if you are hospitalized or at home and would like a visit from an Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the homebound, or to receive the Anointing of the Sick and Confession.